Cindy Blažević is a Canadian-Croatian visual artist who uses socially-engaged political investigations to rearrange experience. Her practice seeks to reveal the intersections of power and exclusion, many of which are born from injustice. Photography, writing, performance and installation are a means to bring forward voices, situations and complexity, to engage with people and place, and to generate dialogue and curiosity about the political conditions of our time.
Cindy explores, directly and tangentially, statehood, borders, penal systems, immigration policies, and how power is intertwined in the practice of daily life by centralizing the stories and lived experiences of people in crisis. Her work emphasizes the need to acknowledge the multiple truths and narratives within all systems and persons, and the many ways in which we negotiate the known and unknown space between us.
Cindy’s work has been exhibited and awarded internationally. The Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council, the British Arts Council, the European Cultural Fund, the Open Society Institute and the Toronto Arts Council are among the organizations that have supported her projects. She holds a specialist BA in International Relations from the University of Toronto, and has studied photography at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson) and cultural studies at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. She currently lives in Toronto with her three children and her partner.
CV available upon request
Email: hello[at]cindyblazevic[dot]com
Follow: @blazingwitch